Friday, June 14, 2013


Today was my brother's birthday 

His name is Spencer and he turned thirteen. He's a twin, actually. But we always celebrate their birthdays separately so they have one special day. Also, Spencer has autism. 

I just want to let you know that this isn't some sappy post about how wonderful it is that he's functioning so well and that he is a gift or whatever because hey, everyone is special. 

What I've figured out is that he acts the way we all would, he just has no real filter. So when he starts crying and freaking out because he'd disappointed in his gifts, it didn't surprise me. I felt exactly the same way about my gifts for my birthday this year; for my "sweet sixteen" actually. (It wasn't so sweet) 

Honestly I feel selfish and bad for being upset about the presents I got, I mean, I'm very grateful I'm so well off, but, that doesn't mean I can't feel disappointment when I don't like anything I get. (I mean for God's sake I should get a great present I'M SIXTEEN)

I obviously felt sad at the time, but watching him feel that way brought back those feelings I had, and now it's taking me a little bit to recover. 

I'll get over it soon. 


Oh by the way, there are now four teenagers living in my house, my three brothers and I!